While we encourage everyone to stay at the Shilo Inn, at times room availability can be limited. To ensure your attendees have accommodations, we recommend these nearby hotels:

  • Securing a room block: Contact the Shilo Inn directly to reserve a block of rooms for your event.
  • Exploring nearby options: If the Shilo is full, consider these hotels within walking distance: [List of hotels with contact information].
  • Hilton Tru

    Hilton TRU
    680 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 522-8500

    Hampton Inn - Airport

    Hampton Inn - Airport
    645 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 523-1400

    Cotton Tree Inn - Idaho Falls

    Cotton Tree Inn - Idaho Falls
    900 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 523-6000

    Best Western Driftwood Inn

    Best Western Driftwood Inn
    575 River Pkwy, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 523-2242

    Spring Hill Suites

    Spring Hill Suites
    665 River Walk Dr, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 552-7000

    Residence Inn

    Residence Inn
    635 W Broadway St, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
    (208) 542-0000

    If you have any questions about hotels in the area, feel free to ask your sales/event coordinator. We will do our best to guide you in the right direction.

    Disclaimer: The hotels listed above are provided for informational purposes only and are not an endorsement or recommendation by the Snake River Event Center. We do not guarantee the availability, rates, or quality of services offered by any listed property. We are not affiliated with any of the listed hotels and are not responsible for any bookings or interactions made directly with them. Please contact the individual hotels directly for more information and reservations.

    780 Lindsay Blvd • Idaho Falls, ID 83402

    (208) 497-0611This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.